Commands list

All the commands available are given below.

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serverlistGive the list of servers where the bot is on (only for bot owner)
leaveserverLeave a server with its id given as argument (only for bot owner)
addroleAdd roles allowed to use the bot database system
removeroleRemove roles allowed to use the bot database system
addchannelAdd channel where the bot will create artwork threads
removechannelRemove channel where the bot creates artwork threads
sendmessageSend message to targeted channel
makeinviteGenerate invite link for current server
listmembersMake a list of all discord members for a given guild

OC Methods

ocaddAdd OC to the database with respect to user and guild id
ocdeleteDelete an oc from the database
ocmodifyModify OC in the database with respect to user id
oclistList all oc of an artist for the current server
ocinfoGives the information sheet of an given OC
ocrandomSend the description of a randomly selected OC


suggestMake a suggestion to the developer
suggestionvoteVote for a suggestion
suggestionrankingCheck ranking of suggestions


inviteInvite me to your server
botserverGet an invitation to our support server!
helpHelp command